November, 2024
Gewehr 88-05
German Empire
First World War
Made by Spandau in 1890
Carcano M38/91
Despite attempts to replace the 6.5mm cartridge that had been deemed obsolete after the Great War, the improved short rifle pattern of the Carcano rifle would service as the official standard issue of the Regio Esercito in the Second World War.
Beretta M1917
When the Kingdom of Italy marched to war in 1915 they carried the black powder Bodeo revolver in their holsters. Over the course of the conflict development of a reliable autoloader would prove problematic until later in the war.
Carcano Moschetto M1891
The cavalry carbine model of Italy’s Carcano is perhaps the most iconic of the series, having seen use by specialists such as the Arditi in the First World War as well as the Folgore paratroopers in the Second among many others.
Beretta M1934
The standard service pistol of Mussolini’s armies during the Second World War was a simple blowback automatic, and would serve on for decades in Italian service as well as helping to build the global brand of Beretta.
Fucile M91 Carcano
The Kingdom of Italy would wisely chose a rifle within their industrial means with the M1891 Carcano, a rifle that would, despite it’s shortcomings, serve on through both the First and Second World Wars.
Included at the end of each posting is a reference to the rarity and average price observed by the author. This is, or course, subjective, and results may vary depending on a variety of factors, including condition, certain markings, etc., while rarity may vary depending on time and location.
Rarity is marked on a scale as follows:
Production (currently produced)
Surplus (Currently available on the surplus market)
Very Rare