World War Briefing
Based on a series of short talks by the author for a local group for descendants of US veterans, intended to provide a basic overview of the conflict.
The United States of America
Part One - The Interwar Period: 1919-1939
The United States entered the 1920s with a rocky start, but soon began a period of unprecedented prosperity. This was all to end in 1929 with the crash of the Wall Street stock market and the country spent the following decade trying to correct the economic damage, and taking an isolationist stance toward the increasingly tense international situation.
The Kingdom of Italy
Part One - The Interwar Period: 1919-1939
Italy had fought with the Entente in the Great War, but felt it had been cheated at Versailles. In 1924 Benito Mussolini and his Fascists seized power, and soon Italy set about a grandiose plan to recapture the glory of Imperial Rome.
The French Republic
Part One - The Interwar Period: 1919-1939
The Third Republic had emerged battered but triumphant from the Great War, but prosperity was not in store during the coming years. Rather they would experience political turmoil and stagnation, emerging at the dawn of a new war in a weakened state.
The German Reich
Part One: The Interwar Period 1919-1939
The Weimar Republic entered the interwar period in turmoil, and despite the stabilization of the late 1920s would not survive the Great Depression, falling to National Socialism. Remilitarization would then commence, leading the world again to the brink of war.
The British Empire
Part One - The Interwar Period 1919-1939
The British Empire had reached its greatest extent, but the seeds of discord had been sown during the Great War.
The End of the War to End Wars
The Second World War was just the largest of the repercussions of the First World War.