M4 Sherman

Sherman in Philippines.png

The primary tank used by US forces throughout the Second World War was the M4 Sherman, a medium tank introduced in 1942. The Sherman has had a mixed reputation in popular memory, as its ubiquitous nature and service on all fronts make it a symbol of American and Allied victory, although it’s performance against German designs left something to be desired. The Sherman did, however, boast a good reliability record, as well as a very high rate of crew survivability, and when opposed by Japanese tanks, which were generally inferior, their victory rate was quite favorable. Generally, the 75mm main gun was loaded with high explosive rounds, as it was quite sufficient for the light Japanese tanks generally encountered, as well as more useful in the infantry support role. The Sherman also boasted a minimum of two .30 caliber machine guns and occasionally a .50 caliber machine gun, coming together to make for a formidible force for infantry support. During the Battle of Manila, Shermans and M18 Hellcat tank destroyer would prove invaluable for assaulting the strong Japanese defenses within the city. Tanks were available both from the 1st Cavalry Division and the 37th infantry Division, and had already been used to facilitate the rapid advance on the capitol.


Japanese Naval Guns


Type 89 Grenade Discharger