The following is a list of all sources used by the author for the Battle of Manila Project. It will be updated as necessary during the research and writing.
Sources indicated in bold are new to the revisited project
Print Sources
Manchester, William
American Caesar: Douglas MacArthur, 188-1964
Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co., 1978
Connaughton, Richard L.
The Battle for Manila: The Most Devastating Untold Story of World War II
Novato, CA: Presidio Press; 1995.
Schultz, Duane
Hero of Bataan: The Story of General Jonathan M. Wainwright
New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press, 1981
Scott, James M.
Rampage: MacArthur, Yamashita, and the Battle of Manila
New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company; 2018.
Smith, Robert S.
The War in the Pacific: Triumph in the Philippines
Washington, DC: US Government, 1991
Flanagan, Major Edward M.
The Angels: A History Of The 11th Airborne Division, 1943-1946
Washington, DC: Infantry Journal Press; 1948.
Miranda, Miguel
Battle of Manila: Nadir of Japanese Barbarism
Barnsley, UK: Pen and Sword Military; 2019.
Bix, Herbert P.
Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan
New York, NY: Harper Collins, 2000
Breuer, William B.
Retaking the Philippines: America’s Return to Corregidor and Bataan: October 1944-March 1945
New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press; 1986
Cortesi, Lawrence,
The Battle for Manila
New York, NY: Zebra Books; 1984.
Ephraim, Frank
Escape to Manila: From Nazi Tyranny to Japanese Terror
Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2008
Ineaga, Saburo
The Pacific War: World War II and the Japanese
New York, NY: Random House, 1978
Gilbert, Martin
The Second World War: A Complete History
New York, NY: Henry Holt and Company, 1989
American Caesar: Douglas MacArthur, 188-1964 - A biography of General Douglas MacArthur, useful for his perspective on the battle and its context
The Angels: A History Of The 11th Airborne Division, 1943-1946 - The official unit history of the 11th Airborne Division, this volume was useful in researching the Angels’ fight toward Manila and their subsequent operations against the Genko Line and southern Manila. (Internet Archive -
The Battle for Manila - A basic overview of the conflict with a more narrative approach.
The Battle for Manila: The Most Devastating Untold Story of World War II - One of the two most important books used for this project, this offers a detailed and objective account of the fighting as well as the Fall of the Philippines, Japanese occupation, and early Luzon Campaign.
Battle of Manila: Nadir of Japanese Barbarism - A short account of the battle, with a particular emphasis on the commanders.
Escape to Manila: From Nazi Tyranny to Japanese Terror - An autobiography of one of the Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany that found themselves caught in the massacre at Manila
Hero of Bataan: The Story of General Jonathan M. Wainwright - A biography of General Jonathan Wainwright, mainly of use for background context
Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan - A look inside Imperial Headquarters and the Emperor’s thoughts and actions regarding the campaign
The Pacific War: World War II and the Japanese - A Japanese history of the war in the Pacific
Rampage: MacArthur, Yamashita, and the Battle of Manila - The other main book used in this project, this is an excellent and highly detailed account of the Battle of Manila from both the perspective of the soldiers and civilians.
Retaking the Philippines: America’s Return to Corregidor and Bataan: October 1944-March 1945 - An account of the entire Philippine Campaign, as well as the Fall of the Philippines.
The Second World War: A Complete History - A general overview of the war in general on all fronts, used for general context information.
The War in the Pacific: Triumph in the Philippines - The official US Army history of the Philippine Campaign, providing detailed analysis from the American perspective. (Internet Archive -
Online Sources
Reports of General MacArthur: The Campaigns of MacArthur in the Pacific
United States Army Center of Military History
BRIEFER: Massacres in the Battle of Manila
Malacañang Palace Presidential Museum and Library
United States Army Center of Military History
Manila Nostalgia
Reports of General MacArthur: The Campaigns of MacArthur in the Pacific - Transcribed official reports from General MacArthur’s headquarters during the war. Chapter IX, detailing the Luzon Campaign, was primarily used.
Luzon - A short US Government publication on the Luzon Campaign transcribed for online use.
Manila Nostalgia - An excellent blog with great information regarding the general history of Manila, particularly useful for background information about the city as it was before the battle.
BRIEFER: Massacres in the Battle of Manila - A listing of the massacres that took place in the Battle of Manila, with dates and casualty estimates.
Video Sources
Asian Stalingrad - The Battle of Manila
Mark Felton Productions - Youtube
Battle of Manila
PublicResourceOrg - Youtube
Original: Battle of Manila
US Department of Defense
Liberation: Battle of Manila
GovPH - Youtube
Philippine Government Channel
Asian Stalingrad - Dr. Mark Felton produces excellent videos on a wide variety of historical topics, here providing a detailed account of the battle of Manila.
Battle of Manila - A documentary film made by the US Department of Defense in the late 1950s.
Liberation: Battle of Manila - Short documentary film made by the Philippine Government to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the battle.
Image Sources
United States National Archives Online Catalogue
Nambu World: Teri’s WWII Japanese Handgun Website*
Wikimedia Commons
Manowar’s Hunagrian Weapons & History*
Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum
US National Archives - Contains large numbers of photographs of Manila during the US/Commonwealth era.
Wikimedia Commons - Contains a vast number of photographs in an easily searchable format with clear licensing information.
Manowar’s Hungarian Weapons and History - Authorized source for the image of the Type 99 SS (“Last Ditch”) rifle. Also an excellent source for information on Hungarian firearms as well as a favorite place to add a rifle to the collection. *Image no longer used due to acquisition of a Type 99 SS in the reference collection
Nambu World - Authorized source of the image of the Type 97 Sniper’s Rifle, as well as the premier source of information on Japanese handguns and other weapons on the internet. Special thanks to Teri Jane Bryant for her assistance! *Image no longer used due to acquisition of a Type 97 in the reference collection
Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Muesum - An archive of relevant photographs exists on the website of the museum, regarding Truman’s military service in Manila as well as the post-war reconstruction of the city under his administration.