Featured Firearm: November, 2024
Gewher 88-05
Germany’s first smokeless powder design was not without its problems, but still found itself a prolific presence on the battlefields of the Great War.
Featured Firearm

Day by Day History
Manila: 1945 - Exercise Rhine: 1941 - Hue: 1968 - Tannenberg: 1914
Follow historical battles day by day in episodic format, with additional contextual posts about leaders, weapons and battlefields

Biographic: August, 2024
Hermann von Francois
One of the most aggressive commanders in the German Imperial Army, Hermann von Francois clashed with nearly every immediate superior he had. Twice decorated with the Pour le Merite, he would be forced out by his rival Ludendorff shortly before the end of the Great War.

From the Collection: December, 2023
1940 Italian 5 Lire Banknote
From the Collection: A banknote from the Fascist Era of Italy

World War Two Briefing - Part Three, Chapter 31 - The War
Spring, 1944
April - June
The Soviets launch offensives into Romania and Finland, as Monte Cassino falls and Rome shortly thereafter. Meanwhile, the Japanese fleet is devastated in the Philippine Sea while they are thrown back out of India.
New to the Collection
1944 Izhevsk Mosin Nagant M91/30 PU Sniper
1892 St. Ettiene Berthier M1892
Beretta M9
German M1852 Sabre
Soviet Maxim Ammunition Can
VC Pith Helmet
Coming Soon
Finnish L35 Lahti Pistol
Soviet M43 Uniform
Restoration Projects
German Mauser DSM34 Trainer
German Mannlicher G98/40
US WWII M1 Helmet